Clarkson's Farm streaming
3 seasons



Clarkson's Farm

Farming, Fails, and Fun with Jeremy Clarkson

Watch Clarkson's Farm streaming in the



Clarkson's Farm is a documentary series following Jeremy Clarkson as he embarks on a rural adventure to run his own farm in the British countryside. With no previous farming experience, viewers witness the challenges and comedic mishaps as Clarkson struggles to manage the land, livestock, and unpredictable British weather. From facing agricultural tasks to dealing with environmental concerns and market demands, Clarkson's Farm showcases the highs and lows of farming life through the lens of the iconic and opinionated host. With humor, wit, and a touch of chaos, the series provides an entertaining and insightful look into the world of modern agriculture.


  • Jeremy Clarkson

    Jeremy Clarkson

    Self - Host

  • Kaleb Cooper

    Kaleb Cooper

    Self - Farmer

  • Charlie Ireland

    Charlie Ireland

    Self - Land Agent


Clarkson's Farm has garnered mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. While some praise Jeremy Clarkson's humor and the picturesque English countryside setting, others find the show lacking in depth and overly focused on Clarkson's personality. Rotten Tomatoes' critics consensus describes it as 'a charming if occasionally frustrating ride through rural England with an unpredictable guide.' IMDb users have rated the series at 8.5/10, appreciating its entertainment value and Clarkson's comedic approach to farming. Metacritic has a lower score of 65, with critics noting the show's appeal to Clarkson's fans but questioning its agricultural authenticity. Overall, Clarkson's Farm showcases a blend of laughter, learning, and controversy, making it a divisive but engaging watch.

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