Love Lies Bleeding streaming



Love Lies Bleeding

Deceit and desire collide in a thrilling game of survival.

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Love Lies Bleeding follows the story of a young and ambitious artist, played by Kristen Stewart, who finds herself entangled in a dangerous game of deceit and betrayal. When she uncovers a dark secret that threatens to unravel her world, she must navigate through a web of lies to protect what she holds dear. As the stakes escalate, she is forced to confront her own desires and fears in a battle for survival. With stunning visuals and a gripping narrative, Love Lies Bleeding is a tense and thrilling blend of mystery and suspense that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.


  • Kristen Stewart

    Kristen Stewart


  • Katy O'Brian

    Katy O'Brian


  • Ed Harris

    Ed Harris

    Lou Sr.

  • Dave Franco

    Dave Franco


  • Jena Malone

    Jena Malone


  • Anna Baryshnikov

    Anna Baryshnikov



Love Lies Bleeding has received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising Kristen Stewart's captivating performance and the film's stylish direction. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a fresh rating of 78%, stating 'Kristen Stewart delivers a riveting performance in this noir thriller that keeps you guessing until the very end.' IMDb users have rated the movie 7.5/10, highlighting its unique storytelling and atmospheric cinematography. On the other hand, Metacritic gave it a score of 60, pointing out the predictable plot twists and lack of character development. Overall, Love Lies Bleeding offers a dark and suspenseful journey that may divide audiences but is worth a watch for Stewart's compelling portrayal.

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