Schindler's List streaming


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Schindler's List

A tale of courage and compassion in the midst of darkness.

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Schindler's List is a powerful and emotional drama directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the true story of Oskar Schindler. Set during World War II, the film follows Schindler, a German businessman who becomes an unlikely hero as he uses his factory to save over a thousand Jews from the Holocaust. Liam Neeson delivers a remarkable performance as Schindler, showcasing the character's transformation from a profit-driven opportunist to a compassionate savior. The movie explores themes of humanity, sacrifice, and the atrocities of war, leaving a lasting impact on viewers with its haunting portrayal of history. With its stunning cinematography and poignant storytelling, Schindler's List is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.


  • Liam Neeson

    Liam Neeson

    Oskar Schindler

  • Ben Kingsley

    Ben Kingsley

    Itzhak Stern

  • Ralph Fiennes

    Ralph Fiennes

    Amon Goeth

  • Caroline Goodall

    Caroline Goodall

    Emilie Schindler

  • Jonathan Sagall

    Jonathan Sagall

    Poldek Pfefferberg

  • Embeth Davidtz

    Embeth Davidtz

    Helen Hirsch


Schindler's List has received widespread critical acclaim, with many reviewers praising its powerful storytelling and emotional impact. IMDb rates the movie at an impressive 9.0/10, while Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic give it ratings of 98% and 95/100, respectively. The New York Times hailed the film as a 'haunting masterpiece' that serves as a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times described it as 'a film of astonishing power and great beauty'. Variety praised Spielberg's direction, calling it 'a testament to his skill as a filmmaker'. Overall, Schindler's List is considered a must-watch for its historical significance and moving portrayal of heroism in the face of adversity.

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