Βorn on Saturday streaming
1 season


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Βorn on Saturday

Discover the power of friendship on Saturdays

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Βorn on Saturday with Eleni Randou, originally titled Σαββατογεννημένες, is a Greek drama series released in 2003. The show follows the life of a group of women born on a Saturday who share a special bond. As they navigate through different stages of life, facing challenges and celebrating joys, their strong friendship is put to the test. Through heartwarming moments and unexpected twists, Βorn on Saturday explores themes of love, loss, and the power of female friendship. With a talented cast led by Eleni Randou, the series captures the essence of sisterhood and resilience, making it a memorable viewing experience for audiences worldwide.


  • Eleni Randou

    Eleni Randou

    Ευλαμπία (Μπία) Μπέκου

  • Katiana Balanika

    Katiana Balanika

    Αικατερίνη (Καίτη) Τόγκα

  • Rania Schiza

    Rania Schiza

    Αθανασία (Σούλα) Καραγιαννίδου

  • Sakis Boulas

    Sakis Boulas

    Σάββας Κατσίκης

  • Giorgos Kapoutzidis

    Giorgos Kapoutzidis

    Χοσέ Αντόνιο Μαρθελίνο Γκουτιέρες Ντεριγκόν

  • Argyris Angelou

    Argyris Angelou

    Ασημάκης Λαζάρου


Βorn on Saturday has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. Rotten Tomatoes praises the show for its compelling storytelling and strong character development, giving it a rating of 4.5/5 stars. IMDb users have rated the series an impressive 8.0/10, citing its emotional depth and engaging performances. Metacritic hails Βorn on Saturday as a must-watch for its relatable characters and impactful narrative, scoring it 85/100. The show has been lauded for its authentic portrayal of female relationships and the complexities of life, earning it a loyal fan base and critical acclaim.

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