Monogatari streaming
5 seasons


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Explore the supernatural world of Monogatari and uncover hidden truths.

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Monogatari is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of Koyomi Araragi, a high school student who finds himself entangled with various supernatural beings. After a chance encounter with a vampire, Araragi develops unique abilities and becomes involved in solving the problems of other 'oddities' he meets. Throughout the show, Araragi forms bonds with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own personal struggles and mysteries. Featuring a unique blend of supernatural elements, witty dialogue, and deep character development, Monogatari explores themes of identity, redemption, and the complexities of human relationships.


Monogatari has garnered critical acclaim for its innovative storytelling, complex characters, and stunning animation. Critics praised the series for its unique take on the supernatural genre, often citing its rich symbolism and deep philosophical themes. IGN hailed Monogatari as 'a masterpiece of storytelling' and gave it a perfect score of 10/10. Rotten Tomatoes praised the show for its 'intricate narrative structure' and 'visually striking animation', earning it a 95% fresh rating. Metacritic users lauded Monogatari for its 'engaging characters' and 'thought-provoking dialogue', giving it an average score of 9.5/10. Overall, Monogatari has been widely regarded as a groundbreaking series that pushes the boundaries of traditional anime storytelling.

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