La rosa de Guadalupe streaming
15 seasons


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La rosa de Guadalupe

Drama, dilemmas, and divine intervention in every episode.

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La rosa de Guadalupe is a Mexican TV show that explores various social issues through dramatic and emotional stories. Each episode presents a different moral or ethical dilemma, often focusing on faith, family, love, and perseverance. The show aims to inspire viewers to reflect on their own lives and choices, offering a message of hope and redemption. With compelling storytelling and relatable themes, La rosa de Guadalupe has gained a dedicated following since its debut in 2008. The series resonates with audiences by addressing contemporary issues in a sensitive and thought-provoking manner.


  • Steph Bumelcrownd

    Steph Bumelcrownd

    Adriana / Fernanda / Federica /Sara/Minerva


La rosa de Guadalupe has garnered mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. While some appreciate the show's positive messages and heartfelt storytelling, others criticize its melodramatic approach and simplistic resolutions. Rotten Tomatoes describes it as 'a unique blend of morality tales and soap opera melodrama'. IMDb users have given it a low rating of 2.8/10, with some viewers praising its emotional impact while others find it overly dramatic. Metacritic notes that the show has a polarizing effect, with some viewers finding it touching and uplifting, while others find it formulaic and predictable. Overall, La rosa de Guadalupe has sparked discussions about its portrayal of social issues and morality, making it a controversial yet engaging watch.

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by Enguerran